The Performance Analysis For Acceptance Of E-Government Culture In Pakistan Perspectives


Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto , Adeel Ahmed Chacher , Ayaz Ahmed Chacher , Shereen Gul ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 178-193 | Views: 365 | Downloads: 119 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3470650

Volume 6 - April 2017 (04)


The focus of this paper is to analyze the factors on which a developing country such as Pakistan may adopt the e-Government culture and provide the basis in its adoption with supply and demand perspectives. For this purpose UTAUT model is used as the demand perspectives to incorporate the demand side factors. The obstacles and challenges are also analyzed when adoption of e-Government culture occur. The analyze methods are based on survey with the help of questionnaire in order to collect the qualitative data with a particular sample size. This study focus on citizens with different backgrounds are interviewed. The statistical analysis such as factor analysis, reliability and validity, correlation test, ANOVA and regression analysis which will be supportive in testing the hypotheses related to the supply side and demand side factors in this research.


 e-Government Adoption, ICT infrastructure, UTAUT model, Culture, Pakistan. 


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