Effect of Self-Efficacy and Job Satisfaction on Individual Citizenship Behavior and Its Impact on Professional Commitments


Maya Ida Kesumawatie , Ujianto , Siti Mujanah ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 113-121 | Views: 826 | Downloads: 274 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3613286

Volume 8 - December 2019 (12)


Manuscript type: Research paper.
Research aims: This research study intends to analyze exactly how contextual variables, including self-efficacy and job satisfaction, affect individual citizenship behavior and have an impact on the professional commitment of lecturers at the College of Economics in East Java, Indonesia.
Design/ Approach/ Method : This research study utilizes a quantitative method to discuss the connection between variables. Information from 170 participants was gathered and after that, evaluated with the Architectural Equational Modeling (SEM) method.
Research findings: The results show that Self Efficacy has no critical impact on ICB, and Professional Commitment has an irrelevant effect on ICB, ICB substantially affects Professional Commitment, Self Efficacy has no extensive impact on Professional Commitment, Job Satisfaction significantly affects Professional Commitment and unimportant effect on Professional Commitment.
Theoretical contributions/ Originality: This study extends previous work by investigating the influence of blessed variables in which the results of this study can be input for decision-makers for the development of Private Colleges especially the College of Economics in order to pay more attention to the professional commitment of lecturers in dealing with changes that are so fast and complex in the progress of Information and Communication Technology and globalization.
Practitioner/ Policy implications: This research study offers understanding right into exactly how the impact of self-efficacy and complete task satisfaction on Private Citizenship Habits and Expert Dedication will be the primary emphasis of this research study.
Research limitation: This research study concentrates on the secondary school from business economics in East Java District, Indonesia. For that reason, the generalization from searchings for can be restricted. Future research studies have to consist of task complete satisfaction in a bigger and much more varied example.


Self-efficacy, job satisfaction, individual civic behavior, professional commitment.


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