Analyzing the Semiotics by Roland Barthes in Making Video about Natural Disaster on the Citizen Journalism
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This study is entitled Analyzing the Semiotics by Roland Barthes in Making Video about Natural Disaster on the Citizen Journalism located in Bandung, West Java Province, Indonesia. This study aims to find out the practical ideology conducted by Citizen Journalism in making a video of the incident. Through this study, it is expected that people watching news do not guess the source of news taken by Citizen Journalism or professional journalists, because all the news informed by both are the same and no differences. The concepts and theories used in this study were the concept of mass communication, mass media, citizen journalism. In this study, the writer used semiotics analysis. From this study, there are some conclusions. First, in the video about natural tornado disaster occurring at SMPN 4 Rancaeke, it can explain how important to take a video of incidents and journalists have an important role in it. Second, various meanings that can arise in the interpretation of signs on the video about natural disasters which do not only reveal a single message about the ideology behind the myths presented. The major information obtained keeps using the ideology of capitalism as an ideology used by stakeholders concerned with the dissemination of information through the media. If it is connected to the practice of Citizen Journlism with the dissemination of information in the mass media, it is very relevant. Third, in analyzing the video of the incident, it was used Roland Barthes's semiotics in the video entittled "Tornado at SMPN 4 Rancaekek". The signs of tornado video incidents are directly visible (denotative) such as Tornado which then leaded to the interpretation that was constructed (conotative), i.e the event video practice conducted by Citizen Journalism to achieve the research objectives presented and qualitatively described
Semiotic analysis, video of natural disaster events, citizen journalism.
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