Comparative Aspects of Trademark Protection in Chinese and Russian Legislation: Overview


Zelenovskaia Nadezhda ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 132-137 | Views: 670 | Downloads: 220 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3613290

Volume 8 - December 2019 (12)


The research on the Trademark Law of China and Russia is practical since it can broaden the understanding of the trademark law of the two countries. Comparison of trademark protection in Chinese and Russian legislation enables us to learn from the positive experience of each other’s trademark law regulations and mutually improve the legislation of Russia and China.


Trademark law; Exclusive rights; Infringement; Right holder; Liability; Trademark protection


  1. In the USA a common law trademark (an unregistered trademark) is protectable under Section 43 of the Trademark (Lanham) Act (15 USC §1125).
  2. According to Intellectual Property Code of France use is not a prerequisite for acquiring trademark rights (BOOK VII, Trademarks, Service Marks and Other Distinctive Signs, Section II, Article L712-1).
  3. Civil Code of the RF, Part IV, article 1478.
  4. The PRC’s Trademark Law, article 4.
  5. The PRC’s Trademark Law, article 22.
  6. The PRC’s Trademark Law, article 8.
  7. The PRC’s Trademark Law, article 22.
  8. The PRC’s Trademark Law, article 29.
  9. The PRC’s Trademark Law, article 28.
  10. The PRC’s Trademark Law, articles 33, 63, 60 respectively.
  11. Federal law "On Amendments to Articles 1252 and 1486 of Part IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation".
  12. The Chamber decided to refuse to satisfy the objection of company "Prombusinessgroup" and to keep in force the refusal of Rospatent to register trademark “Belomorcanal”
  13. Article 15 of the Administrative Code.
  14. Civil procedure Code of the PRC, Chapter VI, article 65.
  15. The PRC’s Trademark Law of 2013, article 53.
  16. Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation, article 14.10.
  17. Criminal Law of the PRC, articles 213 – 215.
  18. Article 180 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
  19. article 77 of Criminal Procedure Law of the PRC.

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