The HR Practices and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Bilqees Ghani , Khalid Rasheed Memon ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 43-52 | Views: 761 | Downloads: 224 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3702065
A considerable amount of studies showed a positive approach towards HR practices and organizational effectiveness, but the research regarding the importance of the association between HR practices and organizational citizenship behavior remains scarce. This study, therefore, aimed to examine the relationship between selected HR practices including recruitment & selection, training & development, and compensation & benefit and organizational citizenship behavior. A quantitative method was employed to collect the data in which 251 employees were being participated through the snowball sampling technique with all aspects. Data were analyzed using the statistical software package SPSS 20. The results found a positive relationship between HR practices and organizational citizenship behavior. Moreover, training and development have the greatest deal of streamlines to improve organizational citizenship behavior.
HR Practices, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Performance effectiveness
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