Understanding the Circular Economy Through Critical Success Factors: An Integrated Framework - Towards Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Selma Regina Martins Oliveira , Sandro Trento ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 72-81 | Views: 798 | Downloads: 259 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3702069
This article aims to present an integrated conceptual framework for the circular economy (CE) based on critical success factors (CSFs), for Italian business incubators (BIs). This structure aims to contribute to the formulation of strategic planning based on CSFs in the field of circular business model CBM in the light of BIs, increasing sustainable entrepreneurship in Italy. This structure aims to contribute to the formulation of strategic planning based on critical success factors in the field of circular business models, increasing sustainable entrepreneurship. The research was elaborated from the specialized literature and based on the expert judgment for external validation. Data were collected through a judgment matrix. This research starts with a gap in the literature on this object. It is hoped that this conceptual framework can guide the actions of decision makers, policy makers, governments and entrepreneurs, promoting gains with competitive advantages, boosting economic development and reducing harmful effects on the environment. The building-up and management of a circular business model require highly complex analytical approaches, which include subjective elements. Thus they demand the technical mastery of various technological, legal, financial and political aspects and procedures. CSFs may represent a strategic tool, increasing the institutional capacity of BIs and the Entrepreneurs in their assignments of formulation, evaluation and execution of such models. It is hoped that this integrated proposal can serve as a facilitator instrument of improvement, contributing to the quality of services and the enhancement of agility to decide on issues inherent to environmental protection. This framework does not intend to be complete, but it is our intention to make it a generator of strategic elements for the BIs in Italy, in such a complex issue, as it is the case of the circular economy the the perspective of the BIs.
Circular Economy, Sustainable Entrepreneurship
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