International Import-Export Trade in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Impact in Trade Balance.
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this study focuses on analyzing statistics data from import-export the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the participation of international trade. It emerges after the analysis of the data that the DRC trade balance remained negative for the years studied, for reasons of the non-transformation of exported products by modernized and developed tools. DRC exports are not very diversified in sectoral terms and the dependence of the economy on imports of basic necessities. It seems obvious to us, that international trade must be organized according to the techniques chosen for structuring the production apparatus, the consumption model of the production apparatus, and the consumption model compatible with development policy. The commercial policy of the country involves a large number of state agencies, the Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Finance and Finally, the Central Bank, the latter do not play a key role in the commercial policy of DRC, which is at the base deficit causing the rupture of the stability of the exchange rate and the depreciation of the national currency. Here is what justifies the interest that we give to this sector which seems to be abandoned while it can reinforce the industrialization and the development of the country.
trade balance, International trade, import-export, balance.
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