Integrated Framework for Circular Economy Through Open Innovation in Business Incubators: An Research Agenda


Selma Regina Martins Oliveira , Sandro Trento ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 82-95 | Views: 831 | Downloads: 246 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3702071

Volume 9 - January 2020 (01)


This article aims to contribute to a policy of innovation in the field of Circular Economy (CE). To do so, it presents An integrated framework for the CE based on open innovation (IOP) practices towards sustainability. Finally, an agenda for future research were presented. The research was addressed to Italian business incubators (BIs). The proposal was elaborated from the specialized literature and validated externally by specialists. The validation was through a questionnaire sent via email. The produced results were satisfactory, validating the presented proposal. This research started with a gap in the literature on this object. It is hoped that this research can contribute to state of the art and the state of practice. It is also hoped that this research may illuminate the spectrum of decision-making for a complex subject with few studies on the subject, but with a relevant agenda for society. OIP represent substantial advances in building innovation to support business models for CE and achieving sustainability in BIs. Evidently, there are still issues to be deepened in other studies of the kind. And for these new studies it is expected to have made some contributions, especially in the methodological field, which can still be explored. It is believed to have been able to highlight the importance of applying innovative tools and methods when planning complex systems such as CE.


Circular economy business model; Open innovation practices; Sustainable performance


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