A Cross Product Analysis of the Relative Importance of Product Attributes on Consumers Perceptions of Quality
Ren-Kai King , Yuan-Shuh Lii ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 09-14 | Views: 753 | Downloads: 224 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3702212
This study investigates the relative importance of product attributes (both intrinsic and extrinsic) on consumers’ quality perceptions across durable and nondurable product categories. The test results reveal that consumers’ uses of product attributes as quality assessment criteria differ across product categories. Both product features and price, followed by brand name, are the most critical cues used by consumers to infer quality for the particular durable products. For the entire nondurable products, the brand name is found to be more important than price, product features, and other attributes. The theoretical and practical implications of this research are discussed
Product Attributes, Product Analysis, Consumers’ Perceptions
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