Switching behaviour of employees in conventional and Islamic banks in Pakistan: A qualitative comparative analysis
Tahir Saeed Jagirani , Masood Hassan , Shayaan Ahmed Baig , Dr. Ather Akhaq , Hira Tahir , Qamber Murtaza Laghari ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 130-135 | Views: 1202 | Downloads: 391 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483284
The purpose of this research is to investigate the switching behaviour of employees working in conventional and Islamic banks in Pakistan. We used semi-Structured interviews to collect data. The analysis was carried out by coding and grouping the data. Finally eight themes emerged from the data. Low salary, poor fringe benefits, poor working environment, poor annual appraisal system and improper supervisor behaviour were perceived as the major factor affecting switching behaviours in the banking sector of Pakistan.
De-Motivation, Dis-Satisfaction, Employee Turnover
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