Environmental Dynamics and Potential Development of Woven Sarong Business Based on Local Wisdom


Wulandari Harjanti , Ujianto , Akhmad Riduwan ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 01-09 | Views: 783 | Downloads: 234 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4916406

Volume 9 - March 2020 (03)


The purpose of this research: this research explains the local wisdom of Gresik which can be utilized for developing the potential of local wisdom-based woven sarong business in the Gresik region.
Design / Approach / Method: Qualitative research to summarize data collected accurately and reliably. This is the presentation of research findings in a way that is commonly done. The unit of analysis in this study is the home industry group of the woven sarong in Gresik district by taking in the Cerme and Benjeng areas. The determination of the unit of analysis is based on the dynamics and environment that exist in the woven sarong in the Cerme and Benjeng areas that are shaded by Local Wisdom.
Research findings: This research forms a renewal, because there is no research into the role of local wisdom in Gresik Regency related to development management in the production and marketing aspects of 3 aspects of local wisdom in Gresik namely Islamic Religion, Mutual Assistance and Souvenirs
Theoretical Contribution / Originality: This research is in line with the opinion of Giddens (2005) which states that in the premodern society the discovery of four environments for growth and development of trust are kinship, local community, religious cosmology and tradition. This is in line with local wisdom in the Gresik district community, namely Islamic religion, mutual cooperation and support (souvenirs). Most of the main jobs of the Gresik community are traders and farmers, so the characteristic of the Gresik community is that they believe that they must struggle to stay alive and have to work so that a prosperous life can help others. They are hard workers and able to work hard to achieve prosperity through their local wisdom culture.
Practitioners / Policy Implications: This research develops the theory of strategy management especially the innovation product strategy developed by Chandler and Hanks (1994) and examines the effect of strategy comprehensively. The results complement the strategy management literature on the effect of strategy in increasing competitive advantage through focused strategies that produce product characteristics, geographical specializations and price-quality specializations. The role of Islamic religious business is able to apply a specific strategy in its production and marketing because when Islamic entrepreneurship is implemented comprehensively and can be utilized to create product innovation, then this entrepreneurship contributes to the potential of home industry businesses in Gresik
Research Limitations: The research object in this study does not distinguish between small and medium industries. And only in Gresik district with 2 woven sarong areas namely Cerme and Benjeng


Local Wisdom, Strategy, Islamic Religion


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