Policy and Law on Digital Banking: Experience from Some Countries


Thi To Phuong Nguyen , Thi Thu Hien Phan ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 143-154 | Views: 615 | Downloads: 195 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4922534

Volume 9 - March 2020 (03)


In Vietnam, the Prime Minister has approved Decision No.986/QD-TTg on the Development Strategy of the Vietnam Banking Sector to 2025, with orientations to 2030 which also aims to develop digital banking in order to create a basis for improving access to banking services, in particular, broadening the network of traditional channels in combination with enhancing the development of modern banking channels (electronic banking, mobile banking, internet banking, etc.,) through the application of technical advances. Policies on digital banking are made up of two components, namely the digital banking policy and law; and the application of technical advances. Researching policy and law governing digital banking is meant to be the fundamental and priority condition to facilitate both components. This research selected policy and law in Singapore, Thailand, and China as the mirror for Vietnam thereby giving some recommendations for Vietnam Government to amend and supplement policy and law on digital banking


Digital banking, policy and law on digital banking


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