Effect of Corporate Governance on Firm Performance in Ghana
Agyemang Andrew Osei , Kong Yusheng , Ayamba Emmanuel Caesar , Oswin Aganda Anaba ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 108-118 | Views: 1323 | Downloads: 432 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3473849
This research focuses on the measurement of the quality of corporate governance and on whether there exists a relationship between corporate governance and firm performance for a sample of the top 100 companies in Ghana. With reference to the battery of models available from the literature and the Code of Corporate Governance applicable to Ghana, a checklist measuring the effect of 13 key factors was developed and studied in relation to the Taffler model. Analysis from the results shows that on the overall, there is no difference in performance for companies having poor and excellent quality of governance. Hence no significant relationship has been found between corporate governance and financial performance.
Corporate Governance, Firm performance, Top 100 companies, Ghana
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