Job Stress and its Impact on Employees Commitment at the Bank of Jordan
Ahmad Hisham Abu-Taleb , Prof. Mohammad Shehada ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 32-42 | Views: 782 | Downloads: 229 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4933367
This research was conducted to measure the impact of job stress on the employees’ commitment at the Bank of Jordan, located in the capital Amman. 110 employees were selected to answer the questionnaire statements by using a random sampling technique. Job Stress questionnaire was designed by the union of “Unite the Union”, and employees’ Commitment was measured by using a structured questionnaire. Results showed that there are a significant negative relationships between job related stress and employees’ commitment (r = -.689, significant at the 0.01 level) and the relationship between job stress and the other dimensions of employees commitment also significantly negative, organizational commitment (r=-.638, significant at the 0.01 level), goals commitment (r = -.478, significant at the 0.01 level), and career commitment (r = -.624, significant at the 0.01 level). The results of this study provided an indicator that workers who have lower job stress levels would be highly committed. Thus, organizations have to insure that they take necessary steps to reduce job stress and provide an adequate working environment to ensure that workers have high levels of commitment.
Stress, Employees Commitment, Organizational Commitment, Goals Commitment, Career Commitment, Normative Commitment, Continuance Commitment, Cultur. Performance, Productivity
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