Ethnicity and Leadership in the Film -A Man Called Ahok- (Reception Analysis in Jakarta Society)
Afdal Makkuraga Putra , David Pardamean Simorangkir ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 20-27 | Views: 681 | Downloads: 200 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4922630
Basuki Tjahaya Purnama, called Ahok had shocked the politics in Indonesia. How it was not, he comes from the ethnic Chinese who became the governor of the Special Capital District of Jakarta (DKI Jakarta). In terms of ethnicity, the Chinese are a minority. Both in terms of numbers, and from the enthusiasm of participating in politics. When he was governor of DKI Jakarta in 2014-2017, all the controversy and rejection of Ahok's leadership increased. Eventually, he was jailed for a blasphemy case. This study is about the analysis of audience reception about ethnicity and leadership in the film "A Man Called Ahok". This research is important because the issue of ethnicity, especially ethnic minorities, has not been fully accepted in Indonesia. Ethnic minorities are often used as targets of hatred and enemies in case they want to run for public leadership. This research used decoding-encoding that is initiated by Stuart Hall. There are two processes namely encoding which is the process of encoding messages when the media processes the media messages, while decoding is the process of deciphering messages received by the audience. There are three categories for interpreting messages received by the audience, namely dominant, oppositional, and negotiated. This research used reception analysis with FGD data collection methods and interviews. The results showed that there was no difference between Chinese ethnicity and Javanese, Sundanese and Batak ethnicity in terms of interpreting the film "A Man Called Ahok". The message interpreted by Chinese ethnic groups was more focused on the formation of Ahok characters, while Javanese, Sundanese, and the Bataks also interpreted the message of Ahok's struggle against corruption and injustice. Acceptance in this type contains elements of adaptive and opposing, which means that the message is interpreted in negotiation.
Film, Ethnicity, Leadership, Reception.
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