Chinas Increasing Engagement in Africa: Opportunity and Futurisk for DRCs Sustainable Development
Download Full PDF Pages: 191-216 | Views: 1123 | Downloads: 288 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4933775
This paper aims to explain and demonstrate why China's increasing engagement in Africa presents itself as both “opportunity” and “futurisk” for DRC’s sustainable development in this new era of globalization. Indeed, combined with DRC's assets, potential and problems, China's increasing engagement in Africa presents itself as both “opportunity” and “futurisk” for DRC’s sustainable development. An “opportunity”: because of its substantial nature in Africa, its pressure to increase formal African exports, demand and prices for raw materials, and its push towards the industrialization and economic diversification of African countries. A “futurisk”: because of the combined effects of two major variables — endogenous and exogenous —respectively “DRC’s political governance” and “conservatives-progressives competition” for the control and supply of DRC’s raw materials. The combined effects of these two variables project four types of traps, “futurisk” for DRC’s sustainable development, namely: “resource’s trap”, “dependency’s trap”, “debt’s trap” and “production-environmental degradation's Trap”. And the desirable future for DRC will depend on the effectiveness of its “internal balance” vis-à-vis the rest of the world, before it thinks about its “external balance”. This should pass through the establishment at the heart of its management a “good political governance”, whose practical essence should follow the definition of model "C. DPW. P. H. E. R. T. E. E".
China’s increasing engagement in Africa, DRC’s sustainable development, Opportunity, Futurisk.
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