The influence of Price Strategy, Trustworthiness, and Service Quality on Satisfaction and Its Impact on Words of Mouth Moderated by Status in Family Members of the Umrah Congregation of Ikhwan Berkah Sejahtera Surabaya
Echwan Siswadi , Andi Sularso , Hotman Panjaitan ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 12-19 | Views: 700 | Downloads: 212 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4922622
The purpose of the study was to find out about pricing strategies, trustworthiness, and service quality which influence satisfaction and WOM being moderated by status in the family. The population of 1618 consumers who have traveled Umrah, 2019. Using the Slovin formula with a tolerance of 5%, the number of samples is 321 respondents.
The results showed that: 1). Pricing strategies influence customer satisfaction, and consumer Wom. 2). Trust influences consumer satisfaction. 3). Service quality has an effect on customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction. 4). Satisfaction has a significant effect on consumer consumers. 5). Status in the family moderates the relationship of satisfaction with the Wom consumer Umrah travel agency and the Hajj Ikhwan Berkah Sejahtera.
The practical implications that pricing, trust and quality of service strategies can increase customer satisfaction, which in turn will increase consumer Wom. Thus, the management needs to pay attention and increase the value of service quality, which can be done with innovative services from what has been done now. Provide schedule departure information in a timely manner, provide an adequate place of service, and others that make participants feel comfortable. Future studies are recommended to investigate further by adding other variables that have not been included in this study. Because there are many other variables that can affect word of mouth.
price strategy, trust, service quality, satisfaction, consumer Wom.
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