Enhancing Leadership and Job Performance in Higher Public Education in Tanzania


Dr. Hellena Mohamed Mushi , M/s Joshua Mjema (MSc) , M/s Annie Maeda (MSc) , M/s Nice Kahembe (Bsc) , M/s Aidan Msuha (MSc) ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 103-112 | Views: 700 | Downloads: 190 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4964856

Volume 9 - June 2020 (06)


In the present competitive situation, most organisations strive to be successful and sustainable. Certainly, one of the significant variables in formulating the failure or success of an organisation is leadership. The word ‘Leadership’ has attracted growing attention in the theoretical and practical sphere for the past decades. However, leadership in tertiary education has been given less significance and is not investigated widely (Malenda, 2020) . The job of university leader is large, complex and often filled with ambiguity (Cardno, 2014). Therefore, leadership and its effectiveness have been the aims of substantial debate and research from which more questions have occurred (Kinyaduka, 2019; Mesterova, Prochazka, Vaculik, & Smutny, 2015) . It is widely believed that leadership has a straight influence on how effectively an institution achieves its goals and realises expected results.


Leadership, Job Performance 


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