Influence of website quality on Customer satisfaction. Evidence from Textile industry of Hyderabad


Dr. Sumra Shaikh , Sumash Siddiqui , Ramsha Mubeen Memon , Dr. Maria Shaikh , Eng. Haseeb Haleem Shaikh , Eng. Sumair Haleem Shaikh ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 73-84 | Views: 791 | Downloads: 222 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4933449

Volume 9 - May 2020 (05)


The theme of current study is to reduce the conflicts and raise the level of satisfaction among management and employees as well as management and customers.  Research was conducted in Pakistan by considering the impact of website quality on consumer satisfaction, by keeping in mind the textile industry of Hyderabad Pakistan. Research shows that how reliability, website design, security and privacy impact on customer satisfaction. The data was based on primary source which involves data collection directly from target population using a structured adopted questionnaire based on customer satisfaction. The sample size was 160. The data was analysed using the Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 for windows. Present study considered part A that deals with the demographic factors and Segment B deals with the responses related to the organization based performance. The consequences are accessible in tables forms. This study is quantitative in nature. The recommendations highlighted in this study that top management must provide competitive remuneration to the employees of the organization and need to create career development opportunities and develop a communication network between employees and management of the organization. This study concludes with the future direction of the research. The findings of the research are favorable, that can help the textile industries of Pakistan to make their website more efficient to gain customer satisfaction. Existing study can help organizations to know how to deals with the conflicts and which strategies are followed for rising up the organization performance


Customer satisfaction, Textile industries, Website reliability, Website security, Website design 


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