Effect of Technical Vocational Skills and Technological Development on the Nigeria’s Oil and Gas Industry
Christopher O. Nwonu , Onodugo, Vincent. A , Chukwu Benjamin. I ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 40-52 | Views: 1468 | Downloads: 373 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3473807
This study investigated the effect of technical vocational skills and technological development in the Nigeria’s oil and gas industry. A survey research design was adopted, and data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. A Purposeful sampling technique was used to select the oil companies in the study. The study population consists of four (4) selected oil companies namely: Shell, Chevron, Agip and TotalFinaElf operating in Nigeria. Questionnaires, interview, and physical observation were all used to elicit a response from the respondents in this study while simple frequency and chi-square were used in the data analysis with the aid of SPSS 17.0. Questionnaires were properly structured and face validity achieved by the researchers and employers for the instruments used for data collection to ensure they were valid. Test-retest method of reliability was applied, and a reliability index of 0.73 was obtained indicating a high degree of consistency. The results of both the descriptive and inferential statistics indicate that objectives were met. Hypotheses were tested using the Friedman chi-square test to determine the nature of skill and technological development in the Nigeria’s oil and gas industry. With a computed Chi-square of 2.120 against the tabulated Chi-square value of 2.2524, the null hypothesis was accepted, and alternate rejected resulting in the conclusion that skill and technological development in the Nigeria’s oil and gas industry is not significant. Thus, the study concludes that multinational oil companies have not contributed significantly to the technical vocational skills and technological development in the Nigeria’s oil and gas industry which is a critical role in building local capacity for Nigeria’s oil and gas industry. The study, therefore, recommends that multinational oil companies should increase their training to acquire the requisite technical skills and competency for operations in the oil and gas industry.
Technical Vocational Skills Technological Development and Oil and Gas
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