The Effect of Assets Structure, Capital Structure, Company Size, Macro Economy, Risk Management, and Profitability on The Value of The Firm with Good Corporate Governance as Variable Moderating in Leasing Company on Indonesia Stock Exchange


Ignatius Kurniawan , Tri Ratnawati , Srie Hartutie Moehaditoyo ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 66-77 | Views: 594 | Downloads: 189 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4971302

Volume 9 - July 2020 (07)


This study aims to discuss the effect of Assets Structure, Capital Structure, Company Size, Macro Economy, Risk Management, and Profitability on The Value of the Firm Leasing Company on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, with moderating variables Good Corporate Governance. Secondary data was collected from financial companies' financial statements listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2013 to 2018, secondary data was also obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange website, Bank Indonesia website and the Central Statistics Agency website. The results showed the coefficient of determination test obtained the number 0.670, which means the variables used in the study are the Asset Structure, Capital Structure, Company Size, Macroeconomics, Risk Management, Profitability, and Corporate Governance can affect the variable Company Value of 67.0%. Corporate governance as a moderator variable has a negative and significant effect.


Assets Structure, Company Size, Macro Economy, Value of The Firm, Leasing Company, Indonesia Stock Exchange


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