Management Role in Improving the Quality of Services and Maintaining Their Excellence in the Market Using Electronic Marketing: A Field Study on Zain Jordan Communication Company


Khaled Abdalla Mohd Al-Tamimi ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 06-18 | Views: 1316 | Downloads: 451 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3473859

Volume 6 - December 2017 (12)


This study aimed at identifying the role of management in the improvement of services qualities and maintaining their excellence in the market using electronic marketing. Data were collected using a self- prepared questionnaire and administering it to Zain company's employees, as it is deemed the appropriated method for the current study. Results showed the following; (1) Management has a role in increasing customers through sustaining services quality, with a high degree, (2) Management assigns customers a role in formulating quality strategy and their suggestions are taken in account when formulating company strategy. (3) Electronic marketing strategy contribution in constructing an effective role in customer's satisfaction at a high degree, (4) Management regarded customers as the central axis on which it depends to achieve quality strategy, (5) Employees while working electronically, emphasize the distinguished loyalty to their company, and improving its image among customers. (6) Focusing on electronic marketing is one of the most important strategies used by management to minimize money waste and improve its image among customers. However, the study suggested the need for applying quality principles, particularly in organizations seeking competitive superiority over other organizations, as well as focusing on customers satisfaction since relatively high quality will achieve high degree of customers satisfaction, gaining thereby, new customers and accomplishing complete satisfaction, which in turn, will create higher profits, due to its maintenance of customers.


Customers relationships management, Quality management, Electronic marketing, Customers service, Total quality


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