The Impact of Work Environment, Work Discipline, and Leadership Towards Employees Performance in Improving Rural Area Development
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Indonesia is a country with a very large number of villages, based on the initial data of the year 2019, the number reaches 83,931 villages and spread over 13,466 inhabited islands from approximately 17,000 existing islands. As the lowest governmental administration area, the dynamic growth of the village will have a stimulant impact on the development of broader areas of the region, so that all realize national prosperity, the thing to do is to do development equality in rural areas. The task of management of this rural development equality program is located at the Directorate General of Rural Area Development, Ministry of Villages, Disadvantaged Regions, and the Transmigration Republic of Indonesia. This study was conducted to uncover factors that have a significant influence on the performance of employees who are directly addressing the work. The research was conducted during 2019-2020 using quantitative research approaches and observations. The results of data using multiple linear regression showed that the most influential factors significantly on the performance of the staff of Directorate General of Rural Area Development, Ministry of Villages, Disadvantaged Regions, and the Transmigration Republic of Indonesia were Work Discipline, followed later by Leadership and factors that are the least impact of the Work Environment.
Work Environment, Discipline, Leadership, Employee Performance.
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