Excellent Service Activities Of Enji Multimedia Production House Company In Impression Building


Dr. A. Rahman HI , Enjang Pera Irawan , Dian Ekayanti , Farida Hariyati , Vania Utamie Subiakto ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 92-102 | Views: 925 | Downloads: 223 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4964834

Volume 9 - June 2020 (06)


Enji Multimedia Production House is a company that has been operating in the domain of service by manufacturing several programs such as games, animations, entertainments, and registration system by using high-end software. The intense competition within the manufacture of such programs has encouraged the Enji Multimedia Production House to improve its quality. One of the efforts that the Enji Multimedia Production House has attempted is to deliver the excellent service activities to the customers in building the company impression. In delivering such service, the Enji Multimedia Production House has a big commitment namely to build good and positive company impression before the customers. In this regard, the Enji Multimedia Production House demands a positive impression not only in the scope of the Asian market but also in the scope of the international market.
With reference to the previous paragraph, the company impression would like to be discussed in the present study is that there has been a need toward a deeper study on the aspect of excellent service activities delivery to the customers since the Enji Multimedia Production House has been building its company impression. In addition, the Enji Multimedia Production House has been sufficient in terms of organizational structure and competent employees in delivering the service to the customers since the company has been committed to provide the best service quality to the customers. Last but not the least, the excellent service that the Enji Multimedia Production has delivered is already satisfying and, thus, the customers sense that their needs have always been catered since the Enji Multimedia Production House has been prioritizing the customers in terms of needs and satisfaction.


activities, excellent service, High Contact, Low Contact, service


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