Establishing a Model for Assessing the Effects of Cultural Organization to Employees Loyalty at Viettinbank Vietnam
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The objective of the paper is to review the research, build the expected research model to assess the impact of corporate culture and organizational culture on employee loyalty on the organization. Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade has long been known as one of the leading banks in the Vietnamese banking system. In the context of internal and external demands, VietinBank has pioneered the application of modern banking management model, with modern technology platform, management level, risk management and an important factor. Most importantly, the bank has built a high-quality staff; standardize personnel quality from recruitment, training, rotation and appointment; improve technical and operational efficiency, affirming the position of a leading commercial bank in Vietnam. Therefore, the author wants to evaluate the factors affecting the loyalty of employees in the bank to make lessons and recommendations for the banking system.
Organizational culture, employee loyalty, bank, Vietnam
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