Competition Law of Vietnam


My Dung Do ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 52-65 | Views: 638 | Downloads: 221 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4971299

Volume 9 - July 2020 (07)


The author conducts an overview of studies related to competition law in Vietnam and in the world. From there, the author analyzes relevant issues and guides for Vietnamese banks in the future. The author has analyzed the competition law from 2004 to 2018 and related issues. Vietnamese banks should focus on competition to improve operational efficiency as well as ensure sustainable development and reduce risks in business activities.


Competition law, bank, Vietnam


                  i.            Lu Lam Uyen, Application of law and jurisdiction of competition enforcement agencies, Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies, No. 287 (09/2014), p.106 – p.119;

      ii.            Nguyen Khanh Phuong, Vietnam regulations on anti-competitive agreements: Some inadequacies and recommendations for amendments, Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies, No. 286 (08/2014), p.36 – p.49;

    iii.            ASEAN, Guidelines on developing core competencies in Competition Policy and Law for ASEAN, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2010;

     iv.            ASEAN, Regional Capacity Building Roadmap For Competition (2017-2020), 2017;

       v.            Asia Development Bank, Competition Law Toolkit, 2007;

     vi.            David J. Gerber, Global Competition: Law, Markets and Globalization, Oxford University Press, 2010;

     vii.            Eleanor M. Fox, Competition Policy and Regional Integration in Developing Countries, Edward Elgar Publishing, UK, 2012;

     viii.            Massimo Motta, Competition Policy: Theory and Practice, Cambridge University Press, 2010;

     ix.            Mayer Brown, Vietnam Competition Law Series, Merger Control in Vietnam – Moving Towards A More Assertive Enforcement in 2019, 2018;

       x.            Nghia Tang Van, Giao trinh phap luat canh tranh (Textbook on Competition Law), Vietnam Education Publishing House, Foreign Trade University of Vietnam, 2013;

     xi.            OECD, Competition law and state-owned enterprises, 2018;

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