Legal Study on the Population Change in Myanmar


Khin Kyi Tun , Pyae Phyo Hlaing , Khin Thandar Soe , Pa Pa Win , Nyein Nwet Nwet Aung , Pyay Soe San ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 61-74 | Views: 663 | Downloads: 194 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4972638

Volume 9 - August 2020 (08)


There are two reasons on the conditions of Myanmar population change. It depended on the migration and 1982 Myanmar Citizenship Law. Many intellectuals and experts in Myanmar have been moved and settled in other countries. Resettling of those people into Myanmar is mainly subject to the Myanmar Citizenship Law. Therefore, this article provided a historical account of successive Citizenship Law in Myanmar which has acquired and lost the rights of citizenship. In addition, this article presented two points of view that are derived from the special matter: (a) a number of persons in Myanmar have acquired citizenship in other countries; and then (b) Myanmar citizenship law attacked the rights of citizens which would resettle to Myanmar. Finally, it concluded the need to explore the consequences of the value of citizenship in the matters of the Myanmar population change.


Migration; Myanmar Citizenship Law; Value of Citizenship; Population Change; Resettlement




      i.            Myanmar Citizenship Law, 1982

    ii.            The Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, 2008

  iii.            The Constitution of the Socialist Republic of the Union of Myanmar, 1974

  iv.            The Constitution of the Union of Myanmar, 1947

    v.            The Foreigners Act, India Act III, 1864

  vi.            The Myanmar Passport Act, India Act XXXIV, 1920

vii.            The Registration of Foreigners Act, Burma Act VII, 1940

viii.            The Registration of Residents Act, 1949

  ix.            The Union Citizenship (Election) Act, 1948

    x.            The Union Citizenship Act, 1948



      i.            The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)

    ii.            The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)

  iii.            The Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons, 1954

  iv.            Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948

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         xxii.            Marco Martiniello and Jan Rath (EDS.), Selected Studies in International Migration and Immigrant Incorporation, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2010

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         xxv.            Mathea Falco, Burma: A Time for Change, New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 2003

       xxvi.            Maung Maung. Law and Custom in Burma and the Burmese Family, Springer, 1963

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       xxix.            Ms.Marilyn Achiron, Nationality and Statelessness. A Handbook for Parliamentarians, UNHCR, 2005

         xxx.            Myanmar Climate Change Strategy and Action Plans, 2016-2030

       xxxi.            National Habitat Report, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, The United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, Quito, Ecuador, 17-20 October 2016

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    xxxiv.            Rainer Bauböck, The rights and duties of external citizenship, Citizenship Studies, Volume 13, 2009 - Issue 5

      xxxv.            Republic of the Union of Myanmar, State Counsellor’s Notification, 27 December 2016, para. 7

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  xxxvii.            The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census, The Union Report: Census Report Volume 2 (May 2015)

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    xxxix.            UNHCR, A Gender Analysis of the Right to a Nationality in Myanmar, March 2018

              xl.            UNHCR, The State of the world’s refugees. A humanitarian Agenda, 1997-98

            xli.            UNHCR, The Urgent Need to Address Stateless Children’s Rights, 2012

          xlii.            United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, POPFACTS, No. 2017/8, December 2017

      xliii.            United Nations Development Program, Human Development Report 2004: Cultural Liberty in Today’s Diverse World,, accessed May 14, 2005



      i.            Peer Mohamed v. Union of Myanmar, 1965 B. L. R. (C.C.) 51

    ii.            Ma Waung Shwe Lin (a) Ma Alin and the Union of Myanmar, November 5, 1970 B.L.R. (C.C.) 222



      i.            @IOM’s GMDAC 2019


  iii.   › asia-south-east-asia-mainland › myanmar

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