Ethical Recruitment, Transformational Leadership and Employee Retention
Lydia Maket , Julius Arinaitwe ,
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Volume 9 - September 2020 (09)
Ethics plays a crucial role in recruitment and selection process of human resources, this is because the human resource is the key source of competitive advantage for an organization if properly hired and managed. This paper looks at the ethical considerations to ensure that candidates are reviewed according to their merit, fairness and equity and to ensure that they possess the right knowledge, skills abilities and attitude for the job. Ethical recruitment and selection process impacts on the longevity of the employee with the organization. This is because the process is recruitment and selection is clear, open and of high integrity both to the employee and the organization. Every organization is interested in the retention of its quality and skilled employees. The previous studies have revealed that ethical recruitment and selection had positive and statistically significant effect on employee performance and stay in the company. This paper being a conceptual paper will look at the possibility of transformational leadership mediating the relationship between ethical recruitment and employee retention.
Ethical Recruitment, Transformational Leadership and Employee Retention.
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