Challenges in Implementing Enterprise Risk Management in Rural and Community Banks In Ghana
Ernest Ofori Asamoah , Patrick Ntserful Arkoh ,
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The study examined the challenges related to enterprise risk management practices in rural and community banks in Ghana. Quantitative strategy was adopted via survey questionnaire to collect data from rural and community banks in Ghana. The study population was limited to rural and community banks in Ashanti Region of Ghana. Primary data was used for the study. Seventy –five (75) questionnaires were administered to respondents of 25 rural and community banks sampled for the study using purposive sampling. The data collected was analyzed using SPSS software. The study uncovered that ineffective staff training on ERM policies, inadequate risk professionals, high cost of ERM implementation, absence of risk officer visibility at board level, enterprise risk quantification and measurement among others were perceived by respondents as challenges related to enterprise risk management practices in rural and community banks in Ghana
Enterprise Risk Management, Challenges, Rural and Community Banks
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