How the Foreign Direct Investment impact economic growth. Case of the Albanian economy
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Volume 9 - September 2020 (09)
Albania is a developing economy country with about 30 years of market economy experience. In recent years, Albania has experienced economic growth coupled with lower inflation, lower unemployment, an increase in Foreign Direct Investment, and an increase in GDP per capita. This paper aims to present a complete picture of the macroeconomic indicators, comparing our country with the countries of the region. This analysis will be supported by secondary data obtained from the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the central banks of each country. The analysis will include the years after the financial crisis to see how the economy as a whole has recovered
According to the analysis, we conclude that FDIs and Remittances have a significant effect on economic growth in Albania. We will then look at what is the relationship between the economic growths (represented by GDP per capita) of these countries and the level of Foreign Direct Investment, Remittances, and Inflation rate. These data will be processed with SPSS statistical software
Foreign Direct Investment, Inflation, Gross Domestic Product, Economic Growth, Country in Transition, etc
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