Structural Equation Model on International Students Satisfaction with Services Provided By Banks in China


Niyonsaba Eric , Blessed Kwasi Adjei , Wu Jiying ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 85-94 | Views: 634 | Downloads: 186 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4990576

Volume 9 - October 2020 (10)


The study aims is to evaluate the determinants of International customer satisfaction on services provided by banks in China. A total of 314 international students, customers of different banks in China have been surveyed. Data were derived from a well-structured questionnaire that was administered through esurvey creator online. In our study, international students are asked the questions prepared concerning customer satisfaction, and the answers received are processed through SPSS 23 and AMOS 21 statistical software programs, factor analyses of the same are made, their reliabilities are tested. The results of the study demonstrate that international customers are satisfied with the services provided by banks in China.


Banks, International Students, Satisfaction, Services, China


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