Effects of Strategic Inventory Management on Performance of Services State Corporations in Kenya
Kivuva Mutava , Dr. Noor Ismail Shale ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 21-30 | Views: 566 | Downloads: 168 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4990229
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of inventory management strategies on the performance of Service State Corporation in Kenya. A descriptive survey research design was used in this study. The population of this study comprises of all 119 representatives from the procurement, finance and stores department at the head office at Service State Corporation. The study used census sampling technique where all the subjects was given chance to give the information on how they think on the inventory Management strategy on Performance of Service State Corporation. Data was collected using structured questionnaire to ensure consistency. The data was analysed using descriptive analysis such as descriptive statistics, mean scores and standard deviations, frequencies distributions and percentages. The findings emphasized the effects of strategic inventory management practices on performance of Service State Corporations in Kenya, which is Just-In Time and stock safety level affect performance of Service State Corporations in Kenya. The research recommends that Service State Corporation in Kenya to practice this JIT system since the approach relies on a scheme in which company suppliers deliver their products directly to the company production centre in small quantities but more frequently – they deliver just the products needed for current production. Future researches will need to be carried in other industries and countries in order to show if the link between inventory management strategies and performance of Service State Corporations in Kenya can be generalized
Just-In Time, stock safety level, performance of Service State Corporations
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