Competition in the Airline Industry: The Overcoming Of the Hub-And-Spoke Model
Federico Leopardi , Federico de Andreis ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 59-64 | Views: 618 | Downloads: 189 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4990431
The aviation market is experiencing an unprecedented crisis, where the economic and health impacts are having consequences that were not even remotely imaginable.Air transport market, over the years, has been victim of several crises, that have provided interesting studies on possible response strategies, but the current situation is opening scenes for which it seems necessary to rethink the transport system in general.
This research, based on the studies on competitiveness and innovation, would demonstrate that the transport system imagined and organized with a logic conveying flights to major hubs, could be outdated and unsuitable to support the recovery of the sector at the end of the Covid- 19 pandemic.
The analysis will highlight the need to re-study the air transport system, in order to find in new innovative and compatible strategies, a valid instrument to overcome the economic crisis that nowadays, as never before, is affecting aviation.
Aviation, competitiveness, organizational strategies, aviation economics, Covid-19 pandemic.
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