The Impact of Intellectual Capital on Investors Capital Gains on Shares: An Empirical Investigation of Pakistani Banking, Finance and Insurance Sector


Qaisar Farooq , Kashif Ali , Faheem Zafar , Keynat Saher , Ali Hussain ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 157-169 | Views: 750 | Downloads: 186 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4990752

Volume 9 - October 2020 (10)


The purpose for this article is to examine the effect of the worth creation effectiveness on financial specialists' capital increases on shares. To research the effect of corporate worth creation capacity on cash related bosses' capital gains, the creator utilized the information gathered from recorded relationship in Pakistan's assurances exchange and Pulic's (1990) Value Added Intellectual Coefficient as the degree of savvy capital and a created different descend into sin model. The observational evaluation found that affiliations' scholarly capital has a giant positive relationship with its analysts' capital additions on shares. The revelations improve the information base of scholastic capital and build up an idea of wise capital in accomplishing high grounds in rising economies, for example, Pakistan's.


Intellectual capital; Capital gain; banking; finance and insurance sector


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