The Importance of Medical/sales Representative in the Pharmaceutical Industry: a Meta-Synthesis


Ms. Neelofer Tariq , Dr. Tariq Mehmood Dar ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 139-146 | Views: 726 | Downloads: 259 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4990668

Volume 9 - October 2020 (10)


Medical Representatives (MRs) are defined as the remote-marketers of pharmaceutical companies. Their job revolves around persuading the physician, providing adequate information to the physicians about the new drug launched by the company the MR is working for. Along with it, MR(s) are also responsible for sharing the knowledge about the happenings & information for the latest researches in the pharmaceutical sector to the physicians & the pharmacists. Though MRs are the last element of a pharmaceutical sales team preceding by national/zonal/regional, and area sales manager, but apparently MR(s) are the ones who represent pharmaceutical companies at the forefront. Thereby, the following paper identifies the importance of medical representatives in the Pharmaceutical Industry, and the intended research objective is proven by reviewing literature studies. A number of literature review have been done from the studies conducted from 2016-2020 globally in the same domain. Online versions of nine past studies have considered being a part of the literature of this research. Studies conducted in Lebanon, Pakistan, Ethiopia, and other parts of the world have given concrete evidence about the importance of medical representatives in the pharmaceutical industry.
However, evidence has been obtained about the challenges & business taking place as part of the pharmaceutical sector's marketing strategy exhibited mainly by medical representatives. Thus, the following research has also presented practical recommendations to deal with this subject


Medical representative, remote-marketers, physicians, pharmaceutical industry, marketing strategy


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xviii.   Oct 22, 2020)

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