The Relationship between Quality Water Supply and Ghanaians Health Improvement: The Role of Governance Effectiveness
Andrew Tetteh Kpentey , Chen Hao ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 167-178 | Views: 627 | Downloads: 196 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5036315
this present study's objective was to assess governances' role in quality water supply and its impact on Ghana's health improvement. To that, data spanning from 1996 to 2018 was utilized in time series. However, time-series methodologies such as unit root test, cointegration test, correlation matrix, ARDL regression, and Granger causality test were performed to arrive at the study's findings. The study found that governances' role in the supply of quality water to rural communities and the entire country positively improve the health status of the people. In that, increasing the effort churned out by regulatory organizations and the government's effectiveness; thus, governance quality improves people's health conditions, thereby increasing their life expectancy at birth. In essence, the study found that governance quality and health improvement are bidirectional in terms of causality. The study recommends that all governances be brought on deck to support the function to provide safe and quality water supply to the rural population and the entire country.
Household quality water supply; Health improvement; Life expectancy at birth; Governance's perspective; Governance quality
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