The Extent, To Which the Adoption of Information System in CRM Directly Benefits Customers, Improves the Performance and Increases Life Time Value of Any Organization. Case study: Haykal Hospital Laboratory


Amani AL Jamal ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 245-276 | Views: 615 | Downloads: 219 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5039975

Volume 9 - December 2020 (12)


The aim of the study is to investigate and identify the present results of using CRMS in Haykal Laboratory and to insure the importance of the direct benefit from CRMS by customers. The first part of the study review literature covering what CRMS is and its effects on customers' life value in any organization and specifically in the health sector. These two parts of the review show that there is a growing need and demand for CRMS in all organizations. Then, the study explains how the usage of CRMS in laboratory provides staff with beneficial data which helps the manager to work on improving their decisions through viewing, thus understanding, customer’s needs in order to meet their demands and needs, as well as, reach customer's long-life value. The study focuses on the benefits of CRMS usage in the laboratory which effects customers directly. An interview was done with the section director of the laboratory and questionnaires were distributed to staff and clients. Results are drawn by using frequency tables, pie charts, T-sample Tests and ANOVA tests through SPSS. In conclusion, the study proves that the usage of CRMS in a laboratory is essential and effective; however, the laboratory and hospital performance alongside with the customer’s direct benefit cannot be expected to improve significantly without connection of the CRMS within the various departments of the hospital, as their clients are actually patients in the hospital.


customers’ satisfaction; Sustainability; improvement; customers’ life value; Data


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