The Influence Of Brand Image and Experiental Marketing To Consumer Satisfaction and Loyalty : Cafe in Surabaya


Antonius Jan Wellyantony P ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 62-68 | Views: 605 | Downloads: 199 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5036502

Volume 9 - December 2020 (12)


Currently the cafe business competition is very tight, to be able to maintain customer loyalty, café entrepreneurs must be able to create customer satisfaction. One strategy to create customer satisfaction is to emphasize more on Beand Image and Experiential marketing variables as the basis for the marketing strategy. This research designed for survey method of the 150 respondents, with non-probability samplings technique. Respondents were taken from Surabaya Indonesian. Meanwhile, SEM was used to analyze the model. The result of this research indicated that there is a positive influence between Brand Images, Experiental Marketing, and Customer Satisfaction to Customer Loyalty.


Cafe, Brand Images, Experiental Marketing, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty


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