Overview of Commercial Bank Loans to Business and Individual Customers
Thi Kim Thoa Nguyen , Thi Thu Huong Do , Thi Thu Ha Pham ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 253-263 | Views: 506 | Downloads: 154 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4990953
The article provides an overview of the theoretical basis of a commercial bank's lending to corporate and individual customers. The article is based on an overview of the theoretical basis and law of Vietnam for general analysis.
Commercial bank's lending, corporate and individual customers
i. Nguyen Van Tien (2009), Finance - Monetary Banking, Statistical Publishing House, Hanoi.
ii. Phan Thu Ha (2013). Commercial Bank, National Economic University
iii. Law No. 60/2005 / QH11 dated November 29, 2005 of the National Assembly promulgating the Law on Enterprises.
iv. Law No. 47/2010 / QH12 dated June 16, 2010 of the National Assembly promulgating the Law on Credit Institutions.
v. Government Decree No. 56/2009 / ND-CP dated 30 June 2009 on assistance to the development of small and medium enterprises.
vi. Resolution No. 22 / NQ-CP of the Government dated May 5, 2010, Regarding the implementation of Decree No. 56/2009 / ND-CP dated June 30, 2009 of the Government on development assistance small and medium business.
vii. Decision No. 193/2001 / QD-TTg of December 20, 2001 of the Prime Minister promulgating the Regulation on the establishment, organization and operation of the Credit Guarantee Fund for small and medium enterprises;
viii. Decision No. 115/2004 / QD-TTg dated June 25, 2004 of the Prime Minister amending and supplementing the Regulation on the establishment, organization and operation of the Credit Guarantee Fund for Small Enterprises and just issued together with the Decision No. 193/2001 / QD-TTg of the Prime Minister.
ix. Decision No. 1627/2001 / QD-NHNN dated 31/12/2001 of the State Bank of Vietnam on V / v Regulations on lending to credit institutions.
x. Decision No. 493/2005 / QD-NHNN of the Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam promulgating Regulations on classification of debts, setting up and use of provisions against credit risks in banking activities of organizations. Credit.
xi. Circular No. 16/2013 / TT-NHNN dated 27/06/2013 stipulates the maximum short-term lending interest rate in VND to meet capital needs of some priority sectors.
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