Evaluation of Rwp-Isl Metrobus Service


Farhan Jalil , Muhammad Jawed Iqbal ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 133-142 | Views: 1307 | Downloads: 451 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3473903

Volume 6 - December 2017 (12)


This study will evaluate Rwp-Isl Metrobus Service on the basis of international best practices followed all around the world such as “BRT Standard 2016”.This study concludes that Rwp-Isl Metrobus Service fulfills the criteria for “Bronze BRT”. It has scored low in Service Planning, Infrastructure and access and integration. Comparing it with Lahore BRT, much improvement can be seen but still number of key things were not considered like service planning, infrastructure and access and integration. This shows that ignoring standards of BRT set by experts and deviation from proposed transport policies is one of the key factors that can lead towards failure of urban transport system in Rawalpindi-Islamabad. 


Performance Evaluation, Rwp-Isl BRT, BRT Standards 2016, BRT Scoring, History of Rwp-Isl transportation


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