Investigating the Culture Impact on Organizational Resilience in Organizational Enterprise area (A Case Study of Iran’s Ministry of Communication and Technology)


Elahe Hosseini , Amirmohammad Nabaei , Fatemeh hajian , Negin Hamidpour ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 27-35 | Views: 1222 | Downloads: 383 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3473864

Volume 6 - December 2017 (12)


The present study is practical and followed a correlative method for description in data collection and has a quantitative approach. This research has been done to investigate the impact of culture on organizational enterprises (A Case Study of Iran’s Ministry of Communication and Technology). The statistical population of the research consists of 126 of managers and graduates of business and startup in 2017, a subcategory of ministry of communication and technology. They were selected based on the Cochran Formula, with the simple random sampling and the sample size was 95. The information analysis was done by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Smart PLS software. About the hypothesis result, two hypotheses were rejected and four hypotheses were confirmed and the performance orientation was the most effective and the organizational capability was the least effective.


resilience, organizational culture, organizational performance


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