Work-Life Balance, Job Stress And Individual Performance: An Application


M.Onur Balkan ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 38-46 | Views: 376 | Downloads: 120 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3458718

Volume 3 - March 2014 (03)


The aim of this paper is to examine the effects of work-life balance on job stress and individual performance. To achieve this aim we conducted a survey on postgraduate and doctoral students at a University located Ankara, Turkey. The universe of this paper is 1000 postgraduate and doctoral students. We reached 300 of them and 232 of surveys were used for analyses. We conducted factor analyses, correlation and regression analyses with SPSS 20.0 packaged program. As a result of the analyses, we found that, there were strong relations between job stress performance and work-life balance factors.


Work-life Balance, Performance, stress


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