Future Effects of the Corona-virus Pandemic on the Work Environment and the Workforce


Dr. Ahmed T Salman ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 198-210 | Views: 544 | Downloads: 178 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5039951

Volume 9 - December 2020 (12)


Corona-virus has hit workplaces hard. The pandemic has resulted in the closure of several businesses and loss of employment. Born out of necessity, workplaces have experienced shifts in how businesses are conducted, which have led to the elimination of traditional work practices. The work-from-home mandate and social distancing order has led to increased need for remote working. The paper uses a survey based on Knowledge Networks online research panel where responses from fifteen managers and thirty employees were used to inform the study. Using measures of central tendencies to analyze the data, the study reveals that businesses will experience significant changes in how businesses will operate in the future. Results highlight that companies will incorporate more remote working measures and increase online communications, automation, and IT training. The resultant effect will involve a reduction in work travel. Work shifts also show the potential of integrating gender equality in the future. There is urgent need to analyze the geographical, social, and economic factors that might affect the changing dynamics associated with the corona-virus pandemic in work environments.


Corona-virus, social distancing, remote working, Workplace, work environment.


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