Factors Influencing International Students Choice of Business as Program of Study in Zhejiang Province, China


Ampofo Joshua , Dr. Qiu Xiangbin ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 05-16 | Views: 516 | Downloads: 148 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5040014

Volume 10 - January 2021 (01)


Education is the primary agent of transformation towards sustainable development. It increases people's capacities to transform their visions for society into reality. All countries strive for quality education for their sustainable development. Business programs has been highlighted as of great importance in moulding the performance of students in schools worldwide. This study therefore investigated the Factors Influencing International Student’s Choice of Business as Program of Study in Zhejiang Province, China. The study employed a descriptive survey design. The target population was 2,000 students in the Zhejiang Province, China. The study used a sample of 100 students From Zhejiang Province, China. Data was collected by the use of questionnaire for students. The data was then analyzed quantitatively and presented using frequencies, mean and standard deviation. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to aid in generating a summary of results which were represented in tabular form. It can be concluded that in investigating the factors that influence International students’ in choosing business as a program if study in Zhejiang province, China, some factors cannot be exempted. Among these major factors are the parental factors that influence international students’ choice of business as a program of study, students’ perception and career choice. From the findings, it gives the researchers the reason to settle that parents have no influence on students’ choice of business as a program of study. However, students’have positive perception about business program and that their career choice also has influence on their choice of business as a program of study.


Business program, parental factors, students’ perception, students’ career choice


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