Effects of Internal Controls on Financial Management Efficiency of Regional Universities in Vietnam


Thuy Linh Nguyen ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 287-302 | Views: 529 | Downloads: 169 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5039981

Volume 9 - December 2020 (12)


In the roadmap towards complete financial autonomy, in the face of increasingly stricter requirements of society, regional universities must always self-improve and improve the quality of training in order to create quality labor resources. high, affirming its role as a key national university, increasing competitiveness in the new era. To achieve these goals, the regional university needs a reasonable organizational structure; flexible and advanced training program; improve the quality of the management team, faculty and staff; promote scientific research and technology transfer; strengthening international cooperation; Investing in adequate and modern facilities and equipment to meet the needs of learning, teaching, and research ... However, this also means that a strong financial resource is required, This is a big challenge for public universities in general and regional universities in particular, which are self-financed non-business units that partially cover operating costs. In particular, after being delegated autonomy of universities, this pressure on universities becomes more stressful when budget cuts, autonomy spending, but revenue and revenue levels are still dependent and limited.


Internal controls on financial management


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