Literature Review About Strategic Market Plan and Propose Research Model
Hong Yen Nguyen , Thi Thu Trang Nguyen , Thi He Nguyen ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 318-326 | Views: 599 | Downloads: 152 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5039985
In the recent decades, strategic market planning had been used as a strategy for enhancing competitiveness that led to achieving growth in the economies of some successful cities worldwide. This approach can be consider as an essential tool for the growth of urban economies in the global context. The model of place planning based on principles of marketing named Strategic Market Planning (SMP) that consists of the process of developing strategies so that a place can reach its growth objectives through identifying and meeting its target market demand. Place marketing is said to be both a consequence of, as well as a necessity for, increased competition among places for the development of resources. The competition is among developing places and/or among post-industrial cities which has resulted in more aggressive and complex forms of competition. As a consequence of the increasingly wide-ranging and aggressive competition, a place marketing strategy for retaining and attracting investment has become essential.
Strategic Market Planning, Place Marketing, Competitiveness.
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