Information Technology Adoption and Operational Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Rivers State, Nigeria


Waribugo Sylva , Ndukauba, John Emenike ,

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Volume 10 - January 2021 (01)


This study investigated information technology adoption (IT adoption) and operational performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Rivers State, Nigeria. Data was collected from 103SMEs owners and managers. Three hypotheses were tested with the Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), with the aid of SmartPLS 3.2.6, while ordinal regression was used to determine the combined effect of the exogenous variables on the endogenous variable. Results indicated that Information Technology Adoption promotes Operational Performance, wherein information technology infrastructure and technology alignment moderately amplify operational performance, while individual learning had a weak effect. The study recommends that SMEs should invest more on information technology hardware and software, and also see modern internet applications as a gateway to operational performance. They should also have a mechanism that strengthens customer service and improve process management. Furthermore, quality training should be given to employees in order to learn and adopt modern IT systems and applications.


Individual Learning, Information Technology Adoption, Information Technology Infrastructure, Technology Alignment, Operational Performance


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