Consumers ‘attitude towards Insurance Services in Nicon Insurance Nigeria Plc Calabar
Dr.Ezekiel Maurice Sunday , Akpan Joy Samuel , Emmanuel Umoren ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 118-127 | Views: 2050 | Downloads: 520 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3473897
The study examines consumers’ attitude towards Insurance Services in NICON Insurance Company, Calabar. Insurance service may still be regarded as unsought services to a larger extent. Research on consumer behaviour is highly recommended to find solution this field. The study examines indemnity, demographic factor and cost of premium as variables that could influence consumer attitude towards insurance services. The study adopted a survey design; structure questionnaire, observation and personal interview during data collection Taro Yamane formular was used to determine the sample size. Simple and systematic random sampling was used in the sampling process. The study adopted a multiple regression analysis, the analysis of 100 questionnaire result show that indemnity and demographic have a significant relationship with consumer attitude towards NICON INSURANCE services while cost of insurance premium does influence consumer attitude of their services. The study concluded that more informed strategy is needed to sell insurance services in the Nigeria market.
Premium, indemnity, demographic variable, consumer behaviour and insurance services
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