Factors Affecting Intention of Traveling Abroad of Vietnamese People
Thi Thanh Tan Pham , Thi Thu Huyen Tran , Thi Thu Ha Pham ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 59-71 | Views: 566 | Downloads: 166 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5040091
This study has approached the nature of the relationship between the factors affecting the Vietnamese decision to travel abroad. From the theoretical basis of consumer behavior and overview of theories about buying decision-making behavior of customers, the author has identified the factors, identified the relationship model among the factors in the total. (internal factors of each individual: attitude, motivation; factors from the external environment, including: destination image, business approach to customers, influence of reference group). Inheriting the theory of planned behavioral action by Ajzen (1991), model research on travel decisions by Um and Crompton (1990); Woodside and MacDonald (1994); Decrop (2006b), the author initially establishes a theoretical model suitable to the research context of factors affecting the decision to travel abroad of Vietnamese people.
Intention, traveling abroad, Vietnam
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