Social Marketing Theories and Decision Making in Disease out Break in Nigeria


Dr.Ezekiel Maurice Sunday , Akpan Joy Samuel ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 128-132 | Views: 1298 | Downloads: 390 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3473899

Volume 6 - December 2017 (12)


The control of disease situation in Nigeria and other parts of Africa is always marred with fire-Bridget approach. Often social marketing approach and the lessons from various theories are neglected. However, there are always with us. Public health issues are better combated with social marketing as well medical approaches. The use of the two approaches results in better disease outbreak management. Social marketing practice is meant to change behaviour and achieve optimum societal wellbeing. Social marketing has found greater application in public health and it theories dependable inpredicting behaviour of various primary target audiences in the event of disease crisis. The result of targeted behaviour is always influenced by the behavior of others as explained bysocial cognitive theory and social Ecological theories of social marketing.The implications of these theories are important in designing social marketing programmes targeted to specific audiences.


Social Marketing, social cognitive, social ecological, Target audience, Ebola Virus.


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